Platinum Homes


Formed in 2003 by Troy Felt who appointed like-minded and experienced individuals Platinum Homes has established itself as a premiere luxury home builder in Perth, Western Australia.

Now a multiple award winning builder Platinum Homes has a reputation for quality and excellence with development projects and individually designed homes. A reputation that has not only appealed to clients but also formed longstanding and reliable relationships with partners, suppliers and subcontractors. Today we are proud to have a pool of trades that work with us on a regular basis who we view as more than just subcontractors, they are part of the construction team that build our luxury homes on time, to specification and quality standards, and also on budget.

Our suppliers continue to partner together with us as they know we are highly organised and reliable when it comes to scheduling their work on site and paying their accounts on time. Many of our suppliers also offer additional services to our special projects division making our finished products stand well above the ordinary.

We pride ourselves on referrals and repeat business due to the simple fact that we provide the highest level of service and pay attention to every detail for our clients. We believe that as a luxury home builder in Perth, we need our staff to take pride in all of our finished products, so we regularly have our experienced staff look over our projects before and during construction and again on completion to ensure the best minds in our business are focusing on building the best homes.

This constant drive for perfection at every stage of the building process ensures the journey is as good as the destination, allowing us to make our bold claim – “If you can imagine it, we can build it”.

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Head Office Location:

106 Burswood Road Burswood WA 6000

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