Elite New Homes


Elite New Homes is an established family business created in 2005 by Joe Vella and his son Michael.


In 2016, a business partnership led to the development of Clear View Elite Homes. While still maintaining rights to the brand Clear View Elite Homes, Michael wanted to return to a brand that reflected the sentiment and name he and his father founded together and, in June 2019, Elite New Homes was launched.


We have partnered with Gallerie, a company specialising in the selection of home products, finishes and colours. Gallerie enables our clients to choose all their new home inclusions in one location.


Our suppliers and tradespeople are an integral part of the team as we don’t farm work out to just anyone and work with a trusted group of building professionals.


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Head Office Location:

Unit 1/94 Eucumbene Dr Ravenhall VIC 3023

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